Add / 北京市朝阳区朝来高科技产业园东区18号院18号楼
为最懂女人的品牌,欧拉以粉色为突破口,发起“我粉什么我做主”的共创征集活动,并联合推出“欧拉粉”(ORA Pink),打造了一个全新的时尚风向标。
曝光量:2亿 互动量:3000+W 首批10万瓶迅速售罄
As the brand that understands women the best, Ora took pink as a breakthrough, initiated the co-creation collection event called “I decide on what I like”, and jointly launched “ORA Pink”, creating a new vogue vane.
Funky car meets funky soda
Together with the Second Hankou Automobile Factory, we took soda as a bridge of communication with female customers. The “inspirational water” and “Happy water” that soothes both the mind and the stomach have played an important role.
Exposure: 200 million Interactions: 30 million+ The first 100,000 bottles quickly sold out
The brand new category of “car brand that loves women more” created by Ora is well received by the market, which indicated user recognition, as well as Ora’s accurate insight into the market demand and careful polishing of marketing events.